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Our Virtual Mobile Adventure takes participants on a journey with a thrilling storyline. Available for unlimited number of players and anywhere. Experience the Indonesia’s first Virtual Mobile Adventure experience and embark on an epic adventure as you and yourteam travel around Indonesia from the comfort of your homeor office. Complete challenges. Get points. Earn rewards. Challenges are designed to drive action around learning, exploring, interacting with others, and more. Points and rewards increase motivation, participation, and make it fun. This program handles it all.

Virtual Mobile Adventure (VMA) Experience Mobile Hunt Indonesia is the creator of the world’s first ever Virtual Mobile Adventure experience. Our one-of-a-kind Virtual Mobile Adventure experiences are built specially on our proprietary online platform for participants to be fully engaged in a totally immersive virtual experience. Our Virtual Mobile Adventure takes participants on a journey with a thrilling storyline. It also features real clues and real visual and technology-enabled puzzles by mobile application that require collaborative team work. Mobile Hunt Indonesia is the largest Virtual Mobile Adventure provider in Indonesia and we are experienced in organising events for MICE, workshops, team building, cohesions and corporate events for both large and small groups.


Create powerful engagement for your group with our customizable Virtual Mobile Adventure programs.

To interact directly with participants, we provide a video conference platform such as Zoom Meeting, Webex or other Video Conference platform.
Once your program is launched, the technology takes care of everything else. All you have to do is sit back and relax. All participant assignments are contained in the mobile application that we provide to start activities in groups or even alone.
When the event starts, the participant's task is to follow the instructions from the mobile application supported by the visual location taken by a marshall at the actual location.
During the activity, each group will be accompanied by a facilitator to help carry out activities in a break-out room to get more real experiences and in-depth conclusions.
AUTOMATIC SCORING, Who's in the lead? We have you covered with the real-time leaderboard which shows the current point standings on your mobile application.
Mix and match challenges that educate, encourage exploration, create interaction, increase team building, or align with anything else you want to achieve.

Berikut informasi dan petunjuk penting untuk mengikuti program Virtual Mobile Adventure.



  1. Peserta dibagi dalam beberapa kelompok sesuai dengan jumlah peserta
  2. Seluruh instruksi yang disampaikan dalam program ini harus diakses melalui aplikasi pada smartphone Anda. Aplikasi ini disarankan untuk diunduh selambat-lambatnya 1 (satu) hari sebelum kegiatan
  3. Aplikasi yang digunakan adalah SCAFIVY. Peserta dapat mengunduh aplikasi ini melalui Play Store untuk Android dan App store untuk perangkat iOS
  4. Setelah mengunduh dan menginstall, lakukan registrasi pada aplikasi tersebut dengan mengisi data e-mail dan password (harap mengingat password ini dengan baik untuk keperluan Sign in) 
  5. Lanjutkan dengan membuat username sesuai template pada masing-masing kelompok. Contoh: Nama Adi Danoe_Kelompok 7, maka pembuatan usernamenya adalah AdiDanoe_7. Sedangkan template pada platform  Zoom Video Conferencing berbeda yakni : 7_AdiDanoe.
  6. Pada hari H atau hari pelaksanaan kegiatan, Peserta akan mendapatkan undangan untuk bergabung pada Zoom Conference dengan link yang telah dibagikan pada hari sebelumnya dengan membuat template username yang sama seperti Aplikasi diatas
  7. Ketika berada di ruang BREAK-OUT ROOM peserta melanjutkan dengan SIGN IN dengan username yang telah dibuat diikuti dengan password
  8. Setelah masuk kedalam aplikasi ini, silakan gunakan pada kolom pencarian dengan kata kunci VIRTUAL MOBILE ADVENTURE lalu masukkan password yang diberikan oleh Fasilitator pada sesi Break-Out room.
  9. Setiap kelompok akan didampingi oleh seorang Fasilitator dan seorang Marshall di lokasi untuk mendampingi setiap kelompok
  10. Setiap peserta dan kelompok menyelesaikan tugas yang terdapat pada aplikasi tersebut untuk pengumpulan points. Selamat berpetualang secara virtual!

The following are important information and instructions for joining the Virtual Mobile Adventure program.


Participants are divided into groups according to the number of participants

  1. All instructions conveyed in this program must be accessed through the application on your smartphone. It is recommended that this application be downloaded no later than 1 (one) day before the activity
  2. The application used is SCAFIVY. Participants can download this application through the Play Store for Android and the App store for iOS devices
  3. After downloading and installing, register the application by filling in the e-mail and password data (please remember this password properly for signing in)
  4. Continue by creating a username according to the template in each group. Example: Name is Adi Danoe_Group 7, so the creation of the username is AdiDanoe_7. This template will be different applies to usernames on the Zoom Video Conferencing platform become 7_AdiDanoe.
  5. On the D day or the day of the activity, participants will get an invitation to join the Zoom Conference with the link that was shared the previous day by creating the same username template as the above application
  6. When in the BREAK-OUT ROOM room the participant continues by SIGN IN with the username that has been created followed by the password
  7. After entering this application, please use the search field with the keyword VIRTUAL MOBILE ADVENTURE then enter the password provided by the Facilitator in the Break-Out room session
  8. Each group will be accompanied by a facilitator and a Marshall at the location to assist each group
  9. Each participant and group completes the tasks contained in the application for collecting points. Have a great virtual adventure!
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